Fran- Devorah B commented on this post about 6 years agoMinnesota is a great state to meet up with others! A fairly good sized Jewish community in the Twin Cities and wouldn't it be nice if Minnesota Noahides could meet up every now and then with a Rabbi or two that is willing to teach?See previous comments ...5 of 6
And so far we have yet to find fellow Noahides in the region
yeah, it's hard to find others...they are out there though.
hi my parents live in MN. If you get a group of a few people to get togeather im sure i could get somone to find a class. I can also let you knowhi my parents live in MN. If you get a group of a few people to get togeather im sure i could get somone to find a class. I can also let you know next time I come home. More ...
to give* a class not find.
That would be awesome! Have to find some more Noahides in MN. Shabbat Shalom!
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