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Paul Walker reacted to this post about 1 year agoOriginal Noahide Laws & Lifecycle Course - History of the Noahides with Rabbi Avraham Bloomenstiel
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Original Noahide Laws & Lifecycle Course - Introduction with Rabbi Avraham Bloomenstiel
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Many apologies to everyone here. We had a significant upgrade to the site as well as moved to a new hosting company and issues arose that I was unaware of until today. I believe I have everything working but please let me know if anything is going on that seems off. Thanks much.Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.
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Sorry, for not posting but we have had to deal with a horrific winter storm here in Texas. We had burst water pipes with flooding plus we were a week without water waiting for a plumber to come and fix the pipes. This, of course, led into the walls and tile needing to be fixed which took another week. This was all while we were packing to move to Phoenix. Then we were diagnosed with Covid last week and are doing battle with that now. And, I thought 2020 was bad! Everything has been put on hold until we can recover from the Covid.
Don't mean to be so negative because were are still here and will continue to struggle to get through this. Like the old saying says, "I once complained that I had no shoes and then I met a man who had no feet". So, I am grateful to HaShem for looking out for us.
There are some important times coming up for us Noahides so I thought I would share the the availability of our Noahide Siddur for the upcoming holidays. Order&category_id=20&sub_category=true&description=true
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