Frequently Asked Questions

I see lots of references to “Torah” and “Jews” on your site.  Is Noahide Nations a Jewish outreach organization?
Noahide Nations was founded and is operated by gentiles who believe that the Torah is the Lord’s true, final, and definitive revelation to mankind.  We believe that the Torah reveals God’s will both to the Jewish people and to the Gentile Nations, giving each their own purpose and mission in His world.
Nevertheless, Noahide Nations consults with qualified, mainstream Orthodox Rabbis for information and guidance.  We also employ many Rabbi’s as teachers and writers for our websites and online classrooms.  Rav Lazer Brody, Director of Chut Shel Chessed Institutions in Israel provides regular support, endorsement, and spiritual guidance.  For halachic (Torah law) guidance we defer to HaRav HaGaon Avraham Chaim Bloomenstiel of Yeshivos Pirshei Shoshanim and Keter HaTorah (of which he serves as dayan, judge, and posek, decisor of Torah law).  Rav Bloomenstiel frequently consults with leading sages such as HaRav HaGaon Chaim Kanievsky on complicated questions pertaining to Noahide practice.

Is the Noahide faith a new religion?
No – Noahism is actually the oldest religious faith in history!  Consider this: what was the faith of Adam, the first man? What about Noah and his family?  They were not Jews nor were they idolaters – they were pure monotheists who believed in God and in the expectations that he communicated to man through Adam and Noah.  The Tosefta, Talmud, Midrash, and a number of other ancient writings refer to the Noahide faith and the Seven Noahide Laws.  Despite its ancient heritage, the Noahide faith suffered near extinction over the past 1500 years since the ascendency of Christianity.  In the past 100 years, however, Noahism has experienced a tremendous revival.  For more information on Noahide history and belief, see What Is Noahism? and our Articles page.
Do Noahides believe in Jesus? What about the New Testament and the Gospels?
Noahides believe that the Lord of the Torah (“Old Testament”) is the Creator and One True God.  We also believe that the Torah, Prophets, and Writings of the Hebrew scriptures (the Tanakh) represent God’s revealed will.  Noahides do not believe in Jesus, neither as a divine nor prophetic figure.   We do not accept the New Testament or Gospels as representative of God’s revealed will.
Do Noahides keep Jewish customs and religious practices?
Since Noahides drink from the same spiritual well as Jews, the Holy Torah, it is inevitable that their beliefs will share some common elements and expressions.  However, the Noahide and Jewish faiths are two entirely different paths.  Therefore, these common elements often take on different meanings.  For example, both Jews and Noahides recognize the importance of the Seventh Day.  However, it means different things to Noahides and Jews.  For Jews, it is a day of highly ritualized rest and abstention of certain labors as a sign of the Jewish covenant.  For Noahides, it is day of acknowledgment, recognition, and reconnection with God as the creator of the world.  Another example is the holiday of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles).  For Jews, Sukkot celebrates God’s having provided for the Jews during their sojourn in the desert.  For Noahides, Sukkot is a period of atonement.
To learn more about the beliefs and practices of the Noahide laws, visit and register for the Academy of Shem. Also – peruse our online articles and recordings.
Do Noahides believe in the Talmud?
Yes. To describe it simply, the Talmud is the most complete commentary on the relationship between Man, God, and the Torah ever compiled.  In its sixty-three volumes, it explores every possible element of human and divine relationships as well as possible interpretations of the Torah.  It is virtually impossible to come to any practical understanding of the Torah without the detailed discussions of the Talmud.  However, the Talmud is a much maligned, slandered, and misunderstood book.  As an encyclopedia of detailed discussions on the Torah, there is a lot of material therein that can be taken out of context, misquoted, and creatively misrepresented for dishonest motives.
But, doesn’t the Talmud speak disparagingly about gentiles!?!
Yes – but the Talmud is even harsher in its treatment of Jews!  The Talmud discusses the best and worse of all humanity and human potential.  It praises Jews who observe the Torah and lambasts those who sin.  So too, it is harsh on non-Jewish idolaters, yet it greatly praises gentiles who are righteous and devoted to the Lord.
How can I learn more about the Noahide Laws?
You have come to the right place for that!  We offer a number of learning and study programs in our Academy of Shem online classroom.  See also our collection of recordings and online articles.