Al Chet 6

Exploring the Al Chet Prayer
Rabbi Shraga Simmons

Al Chet 6. For the mistakes we committed before You through immorality.
When the Torah speaks of immorality, it usually refers to sexual immorality. Since sex is the strongest human drive (next to survival itself), it can therefore be used to achieve the greatest degree of holiness, or -- as we so often witness -- the greatest degree of debasement.

Ask yourself:
Did I speak or act in a way that lowered sexuality as a vehicle for spiritual connection?
Do I realize how sexual immorality reduces the spiritual potential of future, more holy unions?

 Al Chet # 6
44 Roots of Mistakes

by George Brock

The Sin:  The Mistakes committed before You through immorality.

When the Torah speaks of immorality- it usually refers to sexual immorality.

Since sex is the strongest human drive (next to survival itself) it can therefore be used to achieve the greatest degree of holiness.

The Battle:  The battle is between- the physical realm seen through one's eyes and the Spiritual realm one sees through belief.

In other words- Any man can be defeated by a strength outside of himself greater than himself or by a weakness on the inside he perceives to be true.

The Cause:  Chance Occurrence- Refers to involuntary or purely accidentally or by allowing oneself to dwell on sexual thoughts or fantasies resulting in a physical night time emission.

The Victory:  The Tikkun Klali- The ten Psalms of Rabbi Nachman.

Rabbi Nachman taught- The Tikkum (the remedy) for mistakes committed before G-d through immorality is to recite the Tikkun Klali on the same day it happens.

Reciting psalms has the power to release the seed from the Klipah- (the evil forces which Captured it).

The Hebrew word for Psalms (Tehilim) has the numerical value of 485, the exact same numerical value of Lilith- which is the name to the evil force appointed over the Klipah.

Tehilim corresponds numerically also to two Divine names (El and Elohim) combined their numerical value is 485. These two names have the power to release the seed from the Klipah.

The ten Psalms (expressions) has the power to nullify the strength of the Klipah because each one has the opposite counter to the Klipah.

The Goal:  Is to Remember.

Illusions are not real, they only exist in one's mind. Fight them in their world and they will disappear. Allow them to come into your world and they will become real.

Quote the Psalms- Rectify the sin.

“Help me to see with my minds eye (intellect). Hear with my ears (understand) and with my heart- Repent and be healed of all sexual immorality I have committed today”.