Al Chet 16
- Category: Al Chet (Confession)
- Hits: 4731
Exploring the Al Chet Prayer
Rabbi Shraga Simmons
16. For the mistakes we committed before You through desecrating God's name.
As a Noahide of the Nations, everybody is a messenger of God in this world, responsible to project a positive image.
Ask yourself:
Did I ever act in a way that brought less honor and respect to God?
Did I ever act in way that gave a bad impression about what it means to be a Noahide?
Did I take every opportunity to enlighten others about the beauty of Torah?
Al Chet # 16
44 Roots of Mistakes
by George Brock
The Sin: The Mistakes committed before You through desecrating G-d's name.
- Did I ever act in a way that brought less honor and respect to G-d?
- Did I act in a way that gave a bad impression about; what it means to be a Noahide?
- Did I take every opportunity to enlighten others about the beauty of the Torah?
The Cause: Arrogance {vs} Humility.
- Good {vs} Bad impressions.
- Darkness {vs} Light.
The Battle: Is to begin, with the end in mind.
- Most people begin with little thought of what G-d want's the outcome to be.
- The only way to make sure one has made the right choice; is to clearly define G-d's desired outcome, and remain focused on it.
- That is beginning with the end in mind.
- It is simple; One must change one's focus to change one's results.
- One must break down desecrating G-d's name into something measurable to get the desired outcome.
The Victory: One must train oneself to live in the moment and to honor God with all of one's thoughts, words and actions.
- It takes discipline and T'shuvah to achieve the victory.
The Goal: Is to understand when one is struggling with doing the right thing, one can be compared to to a flame struggling to survive. What should one do?
Free the flame from it's own wax (going into darkness) or add more wax to save the flame (staying in the light).
“ If one will live in the moment with Torah (thoughts, words and actions) One would live in the present and when the future comes; one will be ready for it. He will react with the right (thoughts, words and actions) and overcome the sin of desecrating G-d's name”.