Al Chet 15
Category: Al Chet (Confession)
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Exploring the Al Chet Prayer
Rabbi Shraga Simmons
15. For the mistakes we committed before You by exercising power.
God apportions to everyone exactly what they need: whether wealth, intelligence, good fortune, etc. Only when we feel our position is independent of God do we seek to dominate others for our own advantage.
Ask yourself:
Did I take advantage of those who are weak -- either physically, economically or politically?
Did I manipulate or intimidate someone into doing something he'd really rather not have?
Al Chet # 15
44 Roots of Mistakes
by George Brock
The Sin: The Mistakes we committed before You by exercising power.
- G-d gives to everyone exactly what they need; whether it is wealth, intelligence, good fortune, etc.
- Only when one feels his position is 'independent' of G-d, does one seek to dominate others for one's own advantage.
The Battle: Arrogance {vs} Humility.
The Arrogant- value their cause above all else.
The Humble- hold firm to G-d's values no matter what.
- One can use his strength to help the weak (or) one can use his strength to overcome the weak.
- The battle is waged between the path of men (selfishness)/ and the Divine path of G-d (selflessness).
- The Arrogant- answer to no one and seek their own path, the Divine path is no longer Divine.
The Victory: Comes if one will allow G-d to change him by recognizing:
That for the Humble:
- It's not what one has bought- but what G-d has built.
- It's not what one has got- but what G-d has given.
- It's not one's success- but one's significance in helping G-d to make the world a better place.
- That it's not what one has learned- but what one has shared.
The goal: Is to realize- there is only G-d, so one must seek to sanctify everything to G-d- (Avadah hakodesh). Not seeking to separate things from G-d. (Avadah Serah).
- Then; one must give thanks in all things, realizing that everything comes from G-d and is for everyone's ultimate good.
- Finally; one should repent and ask G-d to help one change, from having a negative, arrogant attitude- to a positive, humble attitude. This will help one to overcome the mistake of trying to exercise one's power over others.