Noahide Torah Courses
Noahide Nations has conducted nearly 3000 live online Torah classes over the past 15 years. Many of these classes are available in audio recordings. Here are just some of these courses.
God's Instructions
When God created man on the 6th day He wanted mankind to live in peace and harmony, through His Mercy. He gave Adam 6 instructions in order to live this way. After the flood He gave Noah a 7th. These are the Noahide Commandments.

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Noahide Prayer
For Noahides, prayer is considered a mitzvah when performed in response to personal needs or circumstances.

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Develop a Torah Personality
Help for perfecting your relationship with HaShem and yourself.

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Listen To Noahide Laws & Life Cycle Class
Listen to the overview from a previous class from the Noahide Torah Study Yeshiva Course.

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Seek Torah Wisdom
Torah wisdom should always flow through you. Learn about Hashem and you will learn about yourself!

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After The Flood
Ever wonder what happened when Noah and his family exited the Ark after the Flood?
Wisdom From Pirke Avot
Simon the Just…used to say,
“Upon three things the world stands:
On Torah, on (Divine) Service, and on Deeds of Lovingkindness.”
Pirke Avot 1:2
Ben Zoma said,
“Who is wise? The one who learns from all people…
“Who is mighty? The one who subdues the evil inclination…
“Who is rich? The one who rejoices in his portion….
“Who is honored? The one who honors other human beings….”
Pirke Avot 4:1
The Most Important Part of Studying Torah
The most important element in validating interpretations of the written and oral Torah is the concept of Mesorah. Mesorah is the greatest proof to the authenticity of any concept, practice, or interpretation.
Although the seven Noahide laws have their origins in Adam and Noah, God chose to transmit and preserve them via Moses and the giving of the Torah at Sinai. This placed the Seven Mitzvos within the structure and system of Torah study and learning. Therefore, the seven Noahide laws must be interpreted and understood within the context of the Torah.
This point cannot be stressed enough: Jewish, and therefore Noahide, study and interpretation of the Torah is unique and unlike the study of any other religious texts.
The Truth About the Ger
Don't ever be afraid of seeking truth or speaking the truth, as it says in
Proverbs 12:19...
Truthful lips will be established forever, But a lying tongue is only for a moment
Are Noahides Allowed to Pray?
For Noahides, prayer is considered a mitzvah when performed in response to personal needs or circumstances. If one experiences challenges for which he does not pray, his lack of response is tantamount to a denial of God as the sovereign ruler of all things and all events. When one does pray in such circumstances, it demonstrates reliance and belief in the Creator.
When a Noahide prays to give thanks or praise absent a personal need, he still receives reward for such prayer even though it is not of the same nature as prayer prompted by personal needs.
As with all personal prayers, there are no fixed texts for Noahide prayer. Since all Noahide prayer is essentially personal prayer, it is ideally expressed using sincere words from the heart.
Tools For Noahide Torah Study
The journey of Noahide Torah study is endless in depth and has no destination. You will realize this when your very essence proclaims, "the more I learn, the less I know"! Before you make this proclamation remember that it is a mitzvot for a Noahide to study the Noahide Laws and apply them in every aspect of their life. After you make that proclamation you will realize and appreciate why it is a mitzvot for a Noahide to study the Noahide Laws and apply them. The study of Torah is what gives us our awe of the Creator. The more we study the more awe we gain.
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Noahide Nations is thankful for the opportunity, with the permission of his wife Anita Jones, to honor Vendyl Jones who passed away in 2010 at the age of 80, with the Vendyl Jones Scholarship Fund. This scholarship fund uses donations to finance students who are not able to afford these ground-breaking courses on the Noahide Laws taught by Yeshiva Pirchei Shoshanim.
Help make Vendyl's dream become a reality for more Noahides by donating to this scholarship fund and enabling more students to learn from the proper sources, by qualified Rabbis. These teachings are essential for all of the non-Jewish world to know, and your help could make all of the difference! As it's said; "To the world you might be one person, but to one person you just might be the world".
Vendyl Jones is known most famously today as the father of the modern Noahide movement and for his archaeological search for the Ark of the Convenent. The Noahide movement and Noahides that exist today owe a debt of gratitude for the man who wasn't afraid to ask the necessary questions, awakened Rabbis to revisit the long-unstudied Noahide laws, and paved a path for future Noahides to follow.
Vendyl Jones was originally a Baptist Minister, but his life journey would take him down very different roads.
In the 1950s, while serving as pastor in a Baptist church, he began to seek out the Jewish sources and references of the Christian gospels, realizing that many apparently anti-Jewish statements therein were "omitted in more ancient manuscripts." He began to study with rabbis and so strong was his will to learn that he even sat with elementary students in a basic Hebrew class to learn the language of the Tanach.
He eventually became a Noahide, believing in the Judaic teaching that non-Jews must follow the seven specific Noahide laws [such as belief in one G-d and no murdering or stealing], while Jews must abide by the laws of the Torah. He established the Judaic-Christian Research Foundation, from which developed the Institute of Judaic-Christian Research (IJCR), which is now the Vendyl Jones Research Institute.
During his search for the Ark of the Covenant, Vendyl discovered the original anointing oil and 900 pounds of the Ketoret (the 11-ingredient incense used in the Holy Temple) that were hidden away before the destruction of the first Temple.
All along the way, Vendyl was involved with teaching about the Noahide way of life to anyone who would listen. He organized his own conferences where rabbis would come to talk to Noahides; he himself was a great teacher and had a weekly Torah study; and he was an honored speaker at both of the Noahide Nations World Conferences, receiving the first Noah Award at the 2008 Conference –an award given for a lifetime of achievement.
Vendyl always sought, for 30+ years, to have the rabbis search out and the study the Noahide Laws and to teach them properly to the world. Finally, today, his dream has been realized. Yeshiva Pirchei Shoshanim has undertaken the mitzvot, with multiple Poskim (judges) from Israel and the United States, to search through the main sources and rediscover the halachah pertaining to the non-Jewish world. If Vendyl were alive today, he himself would be taking these classes.
Sponsor a Noahide Torah student HERE.